Latest Stories

The Master Player – Alf Radunz

The Master Player – Alf Radunz Alf Radunz (1910-1996) was arguably the greatest button accordian player in Queensland. Fifteen out of his sixteen brothers and sisters could play an instrument- the other could only play the gramophone! Alf grew up in the Coolabunia district, just outside Kingaroy, in southeast Queensland. […]

Stories A Pain In The Bum

A PAIN IN THE BUM The world-renowned golfer Norm Von Nida (‘The Von’) grew up in the German farming community of Serpentine Creek (now known as Pinkenba, Brisbane). He recounted an adventure in quest of juicy watermelons. ‘Times were tough during my boyhood years but there was plenty of food […]

‘Chain Bluey Loose’

‘Chain Bluey Loose’ My very good friend Rudy Manz of Laidley, retired farmer, button accordian enthusiast and terrific yarnteller has the following great tale:  ‘I vos out in der paddock vorking and I haff a spell so I sits me downs unter the shades of de barbed vire fence’ and den […]

Button Accordion Styles

  Button Accordian Styles of the Vienna system button accordian (C, G, C-F, G-C, A-D, G-C-F etc) After many years closely observing many traditional diatonic button accordion players throughout eastern Australia and parts of South Australia, with a particular emphasis on southern Queensland it was possible to reach some conclusions based […]

‘The Tiger Schnake’

‘THE TIGER SCHNAKE’   I vos working vit Bill Grady und Shack Wilson on de flat Ve shoushed abbot an acre oot vit Shemmy Bill und Pat Ve didn’t makes no vortunes, but vhat I vant to tell Vos about von pig tiger schnake, dat shashed me quick as vell. […]